Distribution transformer capacity selection
Curve indicated by the efficiency of the transformer when the transformer output power is zero, the efficiency is zero; when the output power increases, the efficiency is also increased; when the efficiency reaches its maximum, if it continues to increase the output power of the transformer, the efficiency will will decline. This is because in a certain voltage, the transformer iron loss is a constant, when the output power is small, due to iron loss does not vary with load changes, the transformer efficiency is reduced. Because the transformer copper loss and the load current is proportional to the quadratic, when the load current increases to a certain extent, the increase in copper loss faster. Mathematical analysis can be shown that the copper loss and iron loss is equal to the highest efficiency of the transformer.
Power transformer no-load operation, the required reactive power, reactive power supplied by the power supply system. If the capacity of the transformer selected to华盈非晶合金变压器有限公司是具备生产220KV电压等级变压器的现代化机械制造企业,公司注册资本8800万元,现有员工300余人,占地面积300余亩,公司拥有各种生产和使用设备100余台,产品工艺水平高,检测设备齐全,企业管理严格,产品质量可靠。求精务实,开拓创新,为用户提供完美的变压器解决方案,满足各层次客户的需求。主要产品有非晶合金变压器,干式变压器,SH15-M系列非晶合金变压器,非晶合金铁芯配电变压器,SCRBH15非晶合金干式变压器,SGBH15非晶合金变压器(10KV级),SCRBH15非晶合金卷铁芯干式变压器,35kv非晶干变变压器 35kv非晶油变变压器,超强过载能力变压器、电力变压器、油浸式变压器、矿用变压器、整流变压器、电炉变压器、特种变压器、等等,并提供新能源发电的升压及并网解决方案。我公司除生产以上10多个系列200多个品种,600多种规格的变压器外,还向用户提供非标特种产品的设计、制造。以上产品符合GB1094、GB/T6451、GB6450标准和等效IEC(国际电工委员会)标准。o large, not only to increase the initial investment, a long period of light load and the transformer, the emergence of the phenomenon of "horse cart", so the increase of the proportion of no-load loss, lower power factor increase in network losses; If the capacity of the transformer selected too small, the transformer will be long-term overload, and easy to damage the device.
Transformer load rate is between 40% -70%, the load rate is too high, the loss is significantly increased; the other hand, the load increased slightly due to the transformer capacity margin is small, will be required Capacity, the replacement of large-capacity transformer, or a new transformer. The frequent compatibilizer is bound to increase investment, and affect the power supply. Therefore, must be reasonable selection of the rated capacity of the transformer, should consider the following:
1) The rated capacity should be able to meet the needs of all electricity load is met by the needs of all electrical equipment is the total computational load. That is, you can not make the transformer a long period of running under load conditions.
2) for two and above the transformer, power distribution, you should consider any failure of a transformer, the remaining capacity of the transformer should be able to meet the needs of the full load of classes 1 and 2.
3) selection of the capacity of the species should be minimized in order to achieve the purpose of easy maintenance and reduce spare parts.
4) the transformer is often load should be greater than 60% of the rated capacity of the transformer is appropriate.
5) If the transformer capacity is too large, may make the low pressure line extension is too long, it will increase the line losses.
6) should not unduly increase the reserve capacity, or will not only increase investment, but also because of the low load factor, low power factor, the electricity network losses increase.
7) In order to limit the short circuit of the low voltage side of the short-circuit current, power distribution transformer capacity not more than 1000kVA邮 箱:1262980066@qq.com.
In short, the choice of distribution transformer capacity to the existing load, give due consideration to the development of the load. The rural low voltage power, the technical regulations specified in the select distribution transformer capacity determined in accordance with the five-year power development plan.