网站编辑:青岛华盈非晶合金变压器有限公司 │ 发表时间:2019-07-30
近日,科技部万钢部长会见了董事长兼首席执行官兰博文(Tom Linebarger)一行。双方就中美清洁能源联合研究中心(CERC)中载及重载卡机组能效合作、新能源汽机组等议题进行了深入交流。
科技部高新技术发展及产业化司副司长续超前、国际合作司副司长祝学华等会见时在座。负责中国和俄罗斯业务的集团副总裁曹思德(Steve Chapman)也参加了此次会见。
Cummins High Pressure Injection (HPI) PT full authority electronic fuel system.The HPI PT fuel system is managed by a G-Drive Governor Control System (GCS) controller, which is provided for off-engine mounting in the genset control panel. The Quantum Control has a specific fuel system board to interface with the HPI-PT fuel system and provides an Engine Protection package giving greater customer flexibility and cost effective alternatives in the control design and the benefits of Full Authority electronic control.
▉ CTT (Cummins Turbo Technologies) HX82/HX83 turbo-chargingutilizes exhaust energy with greater efficiency for improved emissions and fuel consumption. ▉ Low Temperature After-cooling- Two-pump Two-loop (2P2L). ▉ Ferrous Cast Ductile Iron (FCD) Pistons- High strength design delivers superior durability. ▉ G-Drive Integrated Design- Each component has been specifically developed and rigorously tested for G-Drive products, ensuring high performance, durability and reliability. ▉ Service and Support- G-Drive products are backed by an uncompromising level of technical support and after sales service, delivered through a world class service network. ▉ Coolpac Integrated Design-Products are supplied complete with cooling package and air cleaner kit for a complete power package. Each component has been has been specifically developed and rigorously tested for G-Drive products, ensuring high performance, durability and reliability.
The above information by shenzhen cummins power official release, please do not reprint without permission!Copyright © 2017 青岛非晶合金变压器_青岛干式变压器_华盈非晶合金变压器有限公司 技术支持:互联纵横
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