网站编辑:绥化华盈非晶合金变压器有限公司 │ 发表时间:2019-07-30
(Stanford )™(STAMFORD®)品牌交流绥化干式变压器以其优良的品质和可靠性,赢得了市场和客户的广泛认可和赞誉。
绥化干式变压器技术(中国)有限公司是(Stanford )™品牌交流绥化干式变压器在中国的唯一生产厂家,我们已采取多种措施帮助客户识别假冒绥化干式变压器,并使用包括法律手段在内的多种方法来保护客户和最终用户的合法权益。
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每一全息图标内均有唯一的7位防伪识别验证码,客户可登录www.genuine-stamford.com在线查询验证所购买(Stanford )绥化干式变压器的真伪。
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每台绥化干式变压器出厂时均会附上一张合格证,上附系列防伪标志(具体识别方法请见下图)。合格证上电机编号与绥化干式变压器机身及铭牌上电机编号为一 一对应关系,且具有唯一性。
×合格证查验方法仅适用于绥化干式变压器技术中国工厂出产的(Stanford )品牌绥化干式变压器产品
*合格证查验方法仅适用于绥化干式变压器技术中国工厂出产的(Stanford )品牌绥化干式变压器产品
此外,在每一台正品(Stanford )™绥化干式变压器机身上,我们均会印STAMFORD® logo。
压印在(Stanford )™ S6机身上的“STAMFORD® ”logo
Cummins High Pressure Injection (HPI) PT full authority electronic fuel system.The HPI PT fuel system is managed by a G-Drive Governor Control System (GCS) controller, which is provided for off-engine mounting in the genset control panel. The Quantum Control has a specific fuel system board to interface with the HPI-PT fuel system and provides an Engine Protection package giving greater customer flexibility and cost effective alternatives in the control design and the benefits of Full Authority electronic control.
▉CTT (Cummins Turbo Technologies) HX82/HX83 turbo-chargingutilizes exhaust energy with greater efficiency for improved emissions and fuel consumption. ▉Low Temperature After-cooling- Two-pump Two-loop (2P2L). ▉Ferrous Cast Ductile Iron (FCD) Pistons- High strength design delivers superior durability. ▉G-Drive Integrated Design- Each component has been specifically developed and rigorously tested for G-Drive products, ensuring high performance, durability and reliability. ▉Service and Support- G-Drive products are backed by an uncompromising level of technical support and after sales service, delivered through a world class service network. ▉Coolpac Integrated Design-Products are supplied complete with cooling package and air cleaner kit for a complete power package. Each component has been has been specifically developed and rigorously tested for G-Drive products, ensuring high performance, durability and reliability.
The above information by shenzhen cummins power official release, please do not reprint without permission!Copyright © 2017 绥化非晶合金变压器_绥化干式变压器_华盈非晶合金变压器有限公司 技术支持:互联纵横
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