通常同一邢台干式变压器当选取的铁心直径过大时,到邢台干式变压器的铁心重华盈非晶合金变压器有限公司是具备生产220KV电压等级变压器的现代化机械制造企业,公司注册资本8800万元,现有员工300余人,占地面积300余亩,公司拥有各种生产和使用设备100余台,产品工艺水平高,检测设备齐全,企业管理严格,产品质量可靠。求精务实,开拓创新,为用户提供完美的变压器解决方案,满足各层次客户的需求。主要产品有非晶合金变压器,干式变压器,SH15-M系列非晶合金变压器,非晶合金铁芯配电变压器,SCRBH15非晶合金干式变压器,SGBH15非晶合金变压器(10KV级),SCRBH15非晶合金卷铁芯干式变压器,35kv非晶干变变压器 35kv非晶油变变压器,超强过载能力变压器、电力变压器、油浸式变压器、矿用变压器、整流变压器、电炉变压器、特种变压器、等等,并提供新能源发电的升压及并网解决方案。我公司除生产以上10多个系列200多个品种,600多种规格的变压器外,还向用户提供非标特种产品的设计、制造。以上产品符合GB1094、GB/T6451、GB6450标准和等效IEC(国际电工委员会)标准。量,空载损耗将要增大,而线圈所用的导线重量和负载损耗则减小。邢台干式变压器较矮。当选取的铁心直径过小时,则得到相反的结果。
The transformer core diameter estimate
The core diameter of the selected transformer calculation very important work, the core diameter are selected, it will directly affect the transformer of the technical and economic indicators, such as the consumption of materials, the cost of the transformer, the transformer weight, volume and transportation.
Usually the same transformer when the selected core diameter is too large, to the weight of the transformer core, the load loss to be increased,
And the weight of the wire coil and the load loss is reduced. The transformer shorter. When the selected core diameter is too small, then the obtained
The opposite result.
Core diameter determination is the use of empirical formula for estimating, with the core diameter of the estimate is calculated by calculation program,
When the operator to impedance voltage, resistive the Hang voltage value and the standard value difference is large, you should adjust the core diameter until adjustment
To the impedance voltage pass or the difference is small so far, the calculated value of the impedance voltage difference is small by adjusting other sizes to meet
Impedance voltage requirements.