Box-type substation structure
1 Overview
Unified design of a typical box-type substation wiring structure according to a variety of equipment for space design, the use of ring network, the terminal power supply line program, according to the requirements of the design of transport and sub-unit integral removable.
Laminated steel plate box (can be filled with asbestos) and composite panels are two kinds of sand cover spray latex or special linoleum. Lifting means for the hanging type, assembly-type substation small size, the use of the end rings in the form, for the monitoring, maintenance, replacement of equipment need to design a common door, either double-leaf opening, but also on a single fan, transformer room has a door on both sides of the structure .
(1) high-voltage interlock device, in line with anti-error requirements, the design of the original to a mandatory lock-based, supplemented by tips atresia.
(2) ventilation and cooling box, box has closed or semi-enclosed structure, high and low pressure chamber are all closed.
(3) noise protection enclosure materials, structure the way connection, the blinds should be set even has good sound insulation, vibration damping, sound voice transformer itself is 48dB (from 0.3m at the side). Into the box measured from 0.2m to 39dB, to meet the box high and low pressure chamber 0.22m at the 35dB and 45dB华盈非晶合金变压器有限公司是具备生产220KV电压等级变压器的现代化机械制造企业,公司注册资本8800万元,现有员工300余人,占地面积300余亩,公司拥有各种生产和使用设备100余台,产品工艺水平高,检测设备齐全,企业管理严格,产品质量可靠。求精务实,开拓创新,为用户提供完美的变压器解决方案,满足各层次客户的需求。主要产品有非晶合金变压器,干式变压器,SH15-M系列非晶合金变压器,非晶合金铁芯配电变压器,SCRBH15非晶合金干式变压器,SGBH15非晶合金变压器(10KV级),SCRBH15非晶合金卷铁芯干式变压器,35kv非晶干变变压器 35kv非晶油变变压器,超强过载能力变压器、电力变压器、油浸式变压器、矿用变压器、整流变压器、电炉变压器、特种变压器、等等,并提供新能源发电的升压及并网解决方案。我公司除生产以上10多个系列200多个品种,600多种规格的变压器外,还向用户提供非标特种产品的设计、制造。以上产品符合GB1094、GB/T6451、GB6450标准和等效IEC(国际电工委员会)标准。 less than the environmental Protection Act requirements.
(4) foundation and cable trenches, box-type substation based out of the cable needs to be done with the cable pit, the four bi brick Toru 24cm, gray sand 2cm, arranged by portfolio size to remain outside the channel base frame gallery, equipment cabinet confirmed . bottom of the box outside the main structure and foundation anchor bolts connecting transformer filled with gravel and the lower base and high and low pressure isolation room. High and low voltage equipment part of the bottom is closed, the cable from the cable hole penetration, with a strict set of shaped rubber sheath seal, bottom cover, there are maintenance activities, construction of the cable can be opened.